- Office have got rid of most of their sale stuff (I bagged a pair of real leather knee high combat boots for £50, which I am mighty pleased about), but their stock recently has been surprisingly goth friendly. They even had platform boots in - not incredibly attractive ones, but the fact remains I never thought I would see a pair in a high street shop. I'd highly recommend a look, anyway, as some of it is lovely.
- Claire's Accessories, though mocked and loved in equal measure for being an integral part of the 'goth in a box' kit, is useful for basics, and to clear out last year's stock they have started a '£10 for ten items' deal - pretty good, and I'd definitely consider it if I weren't on a strict shopping allowance.
Thursday, 24 January 2013
High street sale recommendations
Just a quick post for UK goths on recent developments on the high street -
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
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The sky on campus was very pretty this morning. |
Managed to not only secure a library fine yesterday on a book I thought I'd returned on time, but I missed the bus like an absolute tube because I thought I had an entire hour left. Why, I don't know, but rather hoping it was a fluke. Magically the bus gods favoured me and my journey took a fraction of the time it usually did, meaning I was only late for my lecture by five minutes. I also managed to stay interested in said lectures, which was amazing.
The whole Uni is back this week, which I guess means it's officially the new year now. I still haven't got used to being back in a city where it's still freezing even when sunny, which has resulting in me leaving the house with next to nothing on while snow is lying on the ground. I do miss the holidays, partially because I was in Glasgow and with family, and partially because I got to see the boyfiend and other friends. I also got to go to Glasgow's Danse Macabre (goth/disco club night - yes, you heard that correctly), and received tonnes of awesome things for christmas (some of which I might post pictures of).
Still, Monday (first real day back) was good fun; I learnt how to play Magic: The Gathering, look at the heart in a dissection and do ward rounds all in one day. I figured I should keep the blogging up for my first week back or two, but don't expect posts super regularly, because I'm a lazy fucker and tend to be a bit too busy. :L
In line with
Thing is, I don't actually mind; I'm a happier person than I was at the start of 2011 (though maybe not after learning about my fine today), and I've achieved a lot in that year. Not necessarily anything tangible, like learning how to sew or keeping up yoga or whatever the fuck I said I would do, but I know myself better got to do lots of unplanned things, like go to a gay pride rally, survive living independently for three and half months, hold a set of lungs in my hands and share a kiss in George Square. Hell, I'm no longer terrified of washing machines. I still lose my wallet and have blue spells and don't get done what I said I would do, but I've grown a lot and am generally more satisfied with life. Which to be honest, is all I really need.
But in the spirit of things, I'm going to make a list of cool things I want to do, because there's still tonnes of awesome things I want to do this year. I think the trick probably is to avoid them becoming unreachable chores and make them fun, factoring in reviews and editions for through the year.
- Finish my crafts and try new things
- Shop mainly second hand
- Write a daily to do list
- Learn actual cooking, not pot noodle cooking.
- Hug my dog more.
Monday, 14 January 2013
Greetings from the end of the world!
Hello! The post title might seem a bit of an odd choice, but I live in Scotland and it's pissing rain here.
I've decided to take up blogging! My posts here will probably be outfit posts, opinions, crafts and daily life blogging, because I jump about too much to maintain just one focus point. if you so choose to follow me, expect this and more as I document my mistakes and successes as I begin adult life as a goth, a medical student, a craft enthusiast, a sister and a daughter and an independent human being.
Anyway, onto a brief summary about myself -
All the rest you can glean from my profile. The title of this blog might change at some point, but the URL should probably remain the same. Ta ta for now!
* note: this is a joke.I'm not very good at them.
I've decided to take up blogging! My posts here will probably be outfit posts, opinions, crafts and daily life blogging, because I jump about too much to maintain just one focus point. if you so choose to follow me, expect this and more as I document my mistakes and successes as I begin adult life as a goth, a medical student, a craft enthusiast, a sister and a daughter and an independent human being.
Anyway, onto a brief summary about myself -
- My name is Fee.
- I am a generalised odd person from Glasgow, Scotland, where everyone exists in a permanent state of heroin-heightened existential despair and carries knifes.* I love my city.
- I am in the process of completing a medical degree in Dundee. I am not particularly fond of Dundee and miss Glasgow and my dog, but they do have a fantastic degree program here so I won't complain too much.
- I have a tumblr, where I may cross post some of my blogging, but I wouldn't recommend following me as it's all 'ASDFGHJKL' fangirl posting and a constant spamming of bats, pretty clothing and really, fantastically bad jokes.
- My music tastes tend towards the stereotypical goth and punk bands, but I delight in finding newer or less well known artists I also like. Not so much for hipsterdom, just because I am attracted to shiny new things, build nests and regrow my black and white plumage in the spring.
- I like making clothes, jewellery and other assorted crafty things, but, as a gamer might put it, I am a bit of a n00b in these areas so don't expect wonders of a costume design student level.
- As with the above crafting, I dabble in everything but specialise in nothing.
- I get kind of irritated by sexism, but that probably shouldn't be an odd thing (See: You Know You Live In A Patriarchy When Feminism Has Bad Connotations).
All the rest you can glean from my profile. The title of this blog might change at some point, but the URL should probably remain the same. Ta ta for now!
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Oh god the hair. |
* note: this is a joke.