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The sky on campus was very pretty this morning. |
Managed to not only secure a library fine yesterday on a book I thought I'd returned on time, but I missed the bus like an absolute tube because I thought I had an entire hour left. Why, I don't know, but rather hoping it was a fluke. Magically the bus gods favoured me and my journey took a fraction of the time it usually did, meaning I was only late for my lecture by five minutes. I also managed to stay interested in said lectures, which was amazing.
The whole Uni is back this week, which I guess means it's officially the new year now. I still haven't got used to being back in a city where it's still freezing even when sunny, which has resulting in me leaving the house with next to nothing on while snow is lying on the ground. I do miss the holidays, partially because I was in Glasgow and with family, and partially because I got to see the boyfiend and other friends. I also got to go to Glasgow's Danse Macabre (goth/disco club night - yes, you heard that correctly), and received tonnes of awesome things for christmas (some of which I might post pictures of).
Still, Monday (first real day back) was good fun; I learnt how to play Magic: The Gathering, look at the heart in a dissection and do ward rounds all in one day. I figured I should keep the blogging up for my first week back or two, but don't expect posts super regularly, because I'm a lazy fucker and tend to be a bit too busy. :L
In line with
Thing is, I don't actually mind; I'm a happier person than I was at the start of 2011 (though maybe not after learning about my fine today), and I've achieved a lot in that year. Not necessarily anything tangible, like learning how to sew or keeping up yoga or whatever the fuck I said I would do, but I know myself better got to do lots of unplanned things, like go to a gay pride rally, survive living independently for three and half months, hold a set of lungs in my hands and share a kiss in George Square. Hell, I'm no longer terrified of washing machines. I still lose my wallet and have blue spells and don't get done what I said I would do, but I've grown a lot and am generally more satisfied with life. Which to be honest, is all I really need.
But in the spirit of things, I'm going to make a list of cool things I want to do, because there's still tonnes of awesome things I want to do this year. I think the trick probably is to avoid them becoming unreachable chores and make them fun, factoring in reviews and editions for through the year.
- Finish my crafts and try new things
- Shop mainly second hand
- Write a daily to do list
- Learn actual cooking, not pot noodle cooking.
- Hug my dog more.
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