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Friday, 13 June 2014

Summer Craft Challenge: 1-4

I apparently have a thing for challenges; as soon as I finished Red and Black week and plans for a series of make up posts (coming soon), I decided on a whim yesterday to attempt to complete one hundred craft projects over the next two months. My overzealousness knows no bounds.

In all seriousness, though; I didn't get through an awful lot of crafts this year at university, and I wanted to motivate myself to get some done. I'm expecting to get fifty done before I run out of ideas, but dream big and all. Thus far I've made two jacket patches, refreshed a t shirt and made a terrarium (which I'm very pleased with).

I'll probably do occasional summaries of this on the blog, but for the most part I'll be posting about it on my facebook, possibly twitter, and also my new social media platform - instagram! I'm still unsure about whether or not I'm planning on keeping it (especially since I found out that it's owned by facebook), but I like thus far how it's prompting me to actually change out of pajamas and make myself presentable.

Apologies for the brief (and early) post - I'll post a real one tomorrow on schedule, but I just wanted to let people know about what was happening on other social media channels. Oh, and also to gloat about my terrarium. Look at that stone circle and those adorable little sheep.

You can find me on facebook here, twitter here and now instagram here. Is anyone else taking advantage of more spare time to catch up on crafts?



  1. Instagram roams freely across our lands, killing at will. It bears the white hand of Facebook.

  2. 100 crafts in two months?! That's ambitious. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. : ) Your terrarium looks great. I have to do a bunch of crafting but not for hobby, I have to complete a few pieces for sale. I might make a new pin cushion for myself at some point and maybe something knitted, if I ever get time lol.

    1. Don't worry - I'm aware and half regretting it already! To be fair, a lot of the crafts I want to do are very quick ones that have been languishing on my to do list for far, far too long. Even if I don't manage to get one hundred done, at the very least it will kickstart me into doing all the things I've been procrastinating on.

  3. omg i'm in love with those little sheep!!!!

  4. Your terrarium is so great! The moss in a glass bowl is also one of my craft projects. -Tea

    1. Thank you! They're very easy to do, so get out there and do it (speaking as a terminal procrastinator who took this on to make me do my projects).


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