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Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Review: Karma Se7en Jewellery

There's a lot of reasons I don't particularly plan on getting piercings - above all, an irrational dislike of committing to anything regarding my appearance. This is revealed at its most absurd regarding the only piercing I have seriously considered; a septum piercing, probably the easiest to hide and the most easily removed. I accept all judgement you heap on me, piercing aficionados. 

Karma Se7en recently sent me some (very well packaged) faux septum clickers along with an ear cuff (some of which you'll have seen already if you've got me on instagram or twitter), and I'm really happy with these pieces. They're much more difficult to bend and get in than the septum ring I reviewed from Body Jewellery Shop - gosh, that was a while ago - and do wobble slightly on account of being heavier pieces (like a real piercing, how high/low these sit depends on your own personal anatomy, and some suit me better than others), but they're well made and have a range of designs I really love, and all for buy-one-get-one-free. All designs are available for pierced noses too. The ear cuff is even better, being comfortable and easy to bend around your ear.

And what's the point of going through the hassle of a piercing when I can just pop one of these beauties in and carry on with my day? I'm lazy, but that doesn't mean I need to compromise.

Fiona C.


  1. I think that is a cool idea, especially for people who might still live at home and whose parents might not approve, or people likeme whose piercings like to grow out!

    1. Yeah, there's a lot of good reasons for non-pierced jewellery - that sucks that you reject them a lot!

  2. Do they stay in? I feel like they'd fall out just walking around

    1. They stay in really well; it's more of a hassle putting them in/taking them out.

  3. I am sooo glad you posted this. I have considered, and seen the exact everything about this post. I am also crazy non-committal-- I'm surprised I even got married, to be honest, hehe. I kid, but really I don't commit to a plethora of things with my physical image... but I too love the idea of a septum piercing. I was wondering how these faux ones would do; I think I'll take that plunge at the very least, thanks to you lol.

    1. I'm glad it helped you! It's a very weird tendency of mine; I think that although I really enjoy and appreciate piercings, I just prefer having a plain face and the option to fake them as I please? It's very difficult to explain, but I like the possibility to do what I like to my appearance more than actually following up those possibilities. Let me know how it goes!

  4. Oooh, this is interesting! The only faux body jewellery type things I've ever seen before are the cheap types you get in joke shops etc that just don't go in/stay in or look at all genuine haha! These look pretty cool though.

    I'm quite embarassingly terrified of needles (and thefore piecings) I might look into this instead haha

    1. Yeah, they've really become popular over the past few years; I don't particularly like needles either (ridiculous as a future doctor), and the healing period would probably prove an issue for me too.


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