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Monday, 28 July 2014

July Round Up

Home from home.

I've been a little busy for blogging this month, sadly - I'm only just back from my holiday and I'm not feeling up to scratch, so keeping up with my feed has had to take a backseat. However, there was a lot going on this month both on the net and off, and I've summarised it below -

My life, my blog

  • I rewrote my article, The Occult Trend: Symbols for the Secular, as it wasn't quite meeting the standards I hold for my blog. Feel free to go read the edited article now!
  • I'm keeping up with my One Hundred Crafts Challenge on my Instagram, though I've got a lot of catching up to do - send any DIY ideas my way if you have suggestions!
  • Though I'm not currently able to photograph any of my own fashion, I have plenty of outfits I'm keen to share, so keep an eye out for those in future.
  • I've decided that, beginning August, I'll move back to a five day publishing schedule. Four days was fun and was good for the blog, but ultimately difficult when life got in the way (as it does). This will be continued during the coming academic year.
  • Speaking of which, I start back at university at the end of August, which I'm slightly terrified for; though there's some really interesting topics being covered, I'm worried that third year will be more difficult than ever.


  • Though white isn't a colour that makes many appearances in the wardrobe, summer breeds necessity and Love Aesthetics came out with tips on how to keep your whites white, many of which apply to other colours. She also posted her DIY kimono, which I'm tempted to try.
  • Any attempt at fitness has gone down the drain with summer approaching, but the recent health goth movement might force me into gear when autumn comes around.
  • Just in case you missed it, I wrote an article for The Pop Culture Cynic on grown up geek chic - there's a batman motorbike helmet, which is all you need to know.

Apologies for such a brief update, again; I'm hoping to take part in The Professor's homework assignment, but I'm worried that the weather won't be good enough. Until then!



  1. Your home from home looks amazing! I love the trees and the little birdbath! I can imagine sitting under those trees with a book!


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