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Friday, 24 January 2014

My blog is a year old!


... well, a year and 10 days. ;)

It's true - I didn't properly mark my own blog's birthday! I started back at uni the week my blog turned one, and though I knew it was coming up I forgot to do something for it. I'm actually very surprised that I've stuck through a whole year, as I have a tendency to abandon projects after a while (e.g. I don't use tumblr nearly as much as I used to), but I'm really proud of this blog. It's kept my hand in at writing, given me a means to meet other goths and interesting people and generally have a lot of fun. Professional bloggers always talk about 'finding your blogging niche', and what I post on has changed over the past 12 months. However, I can identify some of my areas and aims -

  • Providing a resource for goths (particularly for Scottish Goths!) and posting about goth culture
  • Posting about my own thoughts and opinions and rants where I feel they may be a fresh perspective on the issue
  • Chronicling aspects of my life (such as DIY and events)

I've also identified my code of ethics for my blog, which you can find here and here.

As for the future? Well, I am excited for it. I love blogging and want to stick with it, and with the sudden explosion in the number of blog writers and in outside interest, there's no better time to be a blogger. There's so many things I still want to do and write about, and I'm really looking forward to continuing growing my blog. I might need to change my URL, tweak my background or even actually learn to code (oh god). As for upcoming topics, here's some things I was thinking on...

  • Student Goth (series)
  • Monthly Craft Challenge
  • Goth from a feminist perspective

Let me know if any of you guys are keen for any of these or have any other ideas. :)



  1. Happy birthday! All of topics that you want to write about sound really interesting :) Especially Monthly Craft challenge.

    1. Thank you! Yeah, I'm really keen to get this up and started, as I need something to encourage me and others to craft more.

  2. Congrats! It sounds like you're going really well. I guess some of us are lucky to avoid the mid-blogger crisis (AKA drought). But I have to say I started in it for the improved grammar and writing ability it gave me and still are. I can't wait to see your Goth Feminism topic.

    1. Thank you! I sometimes don't really feel like writing or don't have the time, but I'm usually brimming with ideas (even if I never finish them). I'm really looking forward to the feminism and goth topic too; there's so many interesting areas to cover!

  3. Happy Birthday to your blog! I hope you stick with blogging for years to come. Can't wait to read your new posts.:)

  4. Happy birthday to your blog dear! Hope you'll continue to post for the years to come :)

  5. Congratulations on your first anniversary, Fee. And many more to come!

    Of course, I'm always interested in the crafts ... :o)

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forward to starting some crafting soon too. ;)


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