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Monday, 3 June 2013

Red and Black Week 2013, Day 2: The Little Things (with extra book review)

It's day two of Sophistique Noir's Red and Black week! I'm hoping to get a post up every day on a variety of topics from fashion to photography, but whether I manage that or not remains to be seen. Nonetheless, today I shall be posting about smaller ways to get into the spirit of R&B week.

As previously mentioned, Red and Black Week rather snuck up on me - I'd contemplated all kinds of plans on looking into getting more red into my wardrobe, to looking into cultivating appropriately coloured flowers, to go on massive eulogies on the symbolism of both colours. Then exams happened and I entered into the frantic scramble that is the part time job market, and suddenly it was the start of the week and I didn't have a thing prepared!

My bedroom back at home is mainly purple in colour (and not in a particularly classy way, but now I'm out the house there's no point redecorating) - regretfully this doesn't work well with R&B week, but I do love the colours for decorating and have reorganized my bedside table to better get me in the mood of the week (the owl remains because it's adorable). 

I'm also re-reading Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh right now, the cover of which actually ties in very well. For those who haven't read it or seen the film, Trainspotting is a bleak but also darkly humorous collection of short stories detailing the lives of a group of Edinburgh drug addicts, and the struggles in their lives between addiction and redemption, often held back by their own situation. While drug users are often vilified in the public consciousness as criminals or wasters, Welsh exposes the truth of Britain's 'classless society' and how difficult it is for the characters to avoid and escape their brutal lives; indeed, this novel still resonates very strongly with me and modern Glasgow, despite being written twenty years ago - I actually took my username from one of the famous monologues in novel.

Now, back to cheerier subjects, I hope to see you all again for the next day of Red and Black Week! I've loved seeing everyone's posts and interacting with bloggers I wouldn't have otherwise, and I'll definitely be posting again. 

Until then, TTFN,



  1. Aww, that owl is cute! ^^ Your alarmclock looks interesting, is there jewellery on top of it, or have you decorated it somehow yourself? It looks very romantic, yet gothic! :)

    1. Thank you! It is indeed jewelery - it's a slightly too-large bracelet with a pin on top of it.

  2. Oh, the owl is really cute *_*
    I love your clock, it makes me think of Steampunk or Emilie Autumn's universe =)

    1. Thank you! He even makes faithfully accurate baby owl noises, which is hilarious. I retain a fondness for steampunk, and hope to get more into it over the summer.

  3. haha this week snuck on me too and I was like what do I HAVE that's red!?!? surprisingly not that much. woot for trainspotting.

    1. Ditto here - I'm having to frantically scramble to see what I have. Still, I'm attempting to have something for the whole week!

  4. Your arrangement made a lovely still life. Wow, I haven't seen attain spotting in ages but I remember it being very moving. Haven't read the book - I will have to add it to my list.

    1. PS: Best luck on your goal for posting every day of Red & Black Week. Next year I'm going to offer a little prize for anyone who posts all 6 days (thought of it too late to do it this year). Something to look forward to! :)

    2. Thank you! If anything, it forces me to get into the habit of posting, and to be more creative in my outfits and subject matter.

      An incentive for posting every day would be a lovely idea. You could perhaps pick your favourite post from each day too, or something similar.

  5. That owl is very cute indeed ^^ I also really like your alarm clock :3 I've been meaning to read Trainspotting for a while now as well, from what you've written about it here I think it'll definitely not let my expectations down ^^

    1. Thank you very much! I've been doing my best to tidy up my bedroom.

      Trainspotting can be an emotionally difficult read (also difficult linguistically, if you're not familiar with scots and Edinburgh dialects), but it's incredibly powerful and worthwhile if you manage it. Good luck!


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